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  • Writer's picturecorey medors

Achieving Top Of Mind Awareness In Your Market

How to be the brand everyone remembers

What's your favorite soda? What’s your favorite fast food restaurant? Who makes the best pair of shoes? 

You had an answer for every question didn’t you, this is what we call “ Top of mind Awareness”. Pretty much it's the first thing that pops into your head when you think of a subject.

In a perfect world you would want every potential customer in your area to think of you when your product or niche comes to mind. It’s not a perfect world but i can show you the best way to build top of mind awareness, lets get into it.

Call To Action:  

Having an ad without a CTA is like having a space launch without a countdown, your not gonna know when to send the rocket up.

CTA stands for call to action. And its what makes your potential customer get in contact with you and by far one of the most effective ways to achieve top of mind awareness.

Setting Up a Funnel 

The effectiveness of a funnel goes as far back as the Indians. They used to set up a bunch of rocks really wide and it tapered in that formed a v and it caused the fish to slowly bottleneck down till eventually there was only one path to take.

The same goes for marketing. Let’s say you're starting a business, How would you get the word out? 

Start out wide by running ads, putting out signs , telling friends and family. All of those are great but we can supercharge our results by adding a CTA.

Something like: ‘download your free guide to do X’ or ‘put your email here and we’ll send you the best way to do Y’ or ‘text us today and we’ll tell you exactly how to do Z’.

Something that gives them a reason to respond. A reason to raise their hand and say: “Yes, please get in touch with me”

The Best Way To Upgrade Your Advertising.

Adding a CTA can be the difference between your marketing performing or not. It allows you to talk to both customers ready to buy and ones that are still thinking about it. While also allowing you to build your network of people who are interested in what you are selling. Your network is your net worth.

Now that you know the importance of a CTA lets start adding them to your marketing. It doesn't cost you anything but it can change everything for you.

Hope this helps,


P.S. Are you curious how I would go about using a CTA if I was you ? 

Contact us today, if we are a good fit I will personally look over your marketing, come up with a game plan of what I would and wouldn’t change and go over it in greater detail on a call.

No strings attached, No catch ( has been confirmed no fine print) 

If we’re a good fit and you like what you hear, we can work together if not no hard feelings. 

Please fill out this form and lets get started

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