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  • Writer's picturecorey medors

Aim Small Miss Small, Knowing Your Target Audience

I want to tell you about a trick I learned that immediately transformed my marketing for the better. 

I remember exactly when I learned about this and how it changed my life. 

if you really grasp what I’m about to tell you… I think this moment will stay with you forever as well.

Are you marketing like this ?

Most business owners marketing, especially local business owners… they all go about marketing the same way. 

They think everyone is a potential customer so they market to everyone… does this sound like you ? Its called shotgun marketing.

You're not wrong in a sense, everyone could be a potential customer but there is a more effective way to find your right customer. 

But first let's talk about the form of “ good marketing” you grew up believing.

The Expensive Way To Market:

We grew up watching commercial after commercial from the big name BRANDS such as coke and pepsi. You can go to anyone in the world and they have heard of pepsi or coke.

They don't really sell you on anything but they show up everywhere, so when your thirsty you get a coke or a pepsi because you’ve seen it a million times. 

They’re approach to marketing is the expensive method because the product they sell is targeted to everyone.

But they also have a multi million dollar marketing budget so thats ok….

I don’t know about you but I don't have that kind of budget to just throw money at trying to “brand” my product instead of selling it.

So how do we effectively market to the people who are best fit for our product or service? Let me show you.

The Best Way To Market:

The best way to target your right customer is to be biased and know your customer.

There's no such thing as a product that sells to everyone, you need to really look at who buys your product or service and notice the bias or trend.

An example of this would be if I sold skateboards I'm probably not going to target women in their 50s or 60s.

My target customer is probably going to be a man anywhere from the age of 14 to on the high side mid 30s

Is there a chance that a woman wants to skateboard? Absolutely but you want to focus on your TARGET CUSTOMER.

Now you know the most effective way to market you should have no problems finding leads or customers for what you're selling.

Now go out there and target people… marketing wise that is… legally target people.

Until next time enjoy your day.


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