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  • Writer's picturecorey medors

Hunting For Opportunities: How To Find Markets Eager For Your Product

Imagine if you had a superpower to look anywhere in the world around you, and be able to see money making opportunities.

You would be the MR.Miyagi of marketing with all your wisdom.

Well good thing you don't have to be bitten by some super spider to get this super power. 

It's a learnable skill that we will be going over in this article, let's get into it.

The state of Awareness.

Most people want a 1,2,3 process on how to find markets in need and acquire clients. 

Simply put, it's not so much a process as it is a state of awareness. Let me explain.

 It's called the money lens theory, and pretty much to save you the long text book definition and give you the good stuff.

“ If you walk through life such as your daily routine with your brain always looking at what a business is doing and how they are doing it instead of just being a consumer, new opportunities will present themselves.” - TOP G 

So if you go into a business ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What is a business doing? 

  • How are they getting money? 

  • What problems are they having?

  •  Where are they advertising? 

  • Is their advertising good ? 

  • Is their copy good? 

  • How does their website look? 

There's so much you can ask yourself, the more you do this it will become as natural as breathing.

The more you know the better chance you have of adding value.

Money Follows Value Creation.

If you create something valuable, Money will naturally come to it.

With that being said, you need to figure out how you're going to bring value to your market.

 Ask yourself the following questions to help with this.

  •  What can you improve? 

    • Copy writing, website design, marketing, social media 

  • What do i want to sell ? 

    • What skill or product do you have?

  • Who would need that ?

Once you have that, you’ll need to focus on what kind of business. Which brings us to our next point.

Pick An Industry.

You have what you want to sell, now who are we going to sell to? 

Cosmetic surgeons, lawyers, mortgage brokers, etc. 

You can do a simple search of expensive keywords for businesses that are looking to score high in the market they are in.

But the simplest way of doing this is to know your target audience.

Which is probably the most important point in marketing, it's so important I wrote an entire article dedicated to just that. 

Click the link here if you're interested in finding out more about knowing your target audience .


Best Places To Look. 

You have your industry, now how do you find them?

The most effective way to find businesses that would be interested in marketing, would be to find some that are already spending money on advertising.  

It's that easy. When you find that, just make a list and you have a list of prospects.

After that just start looking at their ads ( Google ads, FB, Etc.) 

Then you can ask yourself some pre qualification questions before you even reach out to them.

  • Do they have money for marketing?

  • Are Interested in improving their results?

  • Can they hire someone like me ?

  • Are they focused on conversions?

  • Should they hire someone like me?

  • Can i add value to their business?

And just like that you're working your way into a market in need.

The key take away from this is developing the money lens so it becomes second nature to spot opportunities.

Hope this article helps


P.S: If you still need help with finding clients feel free to contact us and one of my team members will reach out.

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