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  • Writer's picturecorey medors

Marketing Secrets:Unveiling Strategies That Actually Work!

Good marketing is simply marketing that works! That's all there is to it. No need to read any more... Just kidding, well… kind of kidding…it's easier than most people think. Good marketing is about finding the gaps between clients, and their niches and bringing the two together. You can do this by using the 3 core elements of marketing, “ What is our message, who are we selling to, and how are we going to reach them”.

What Are We Saying:

  first thing first, “What is our message?”. Now in today's world, you can't go anywhere or do anything without seeing an ad pop up somewhere, spam emails or calls. So your message has to be clear and concise cutting through all the clutter. The most important thing you should never do is base your message on being the cheapest price. This is low effort and probably not going to attract quality customers or produce conversions.  Now I know what you're thinking… well if i can’t do it by being the cheapest price around how am i going to?… that's simple, just make your message not suck…. Don't be boring and say the same old s**t everyone else says we're really good, we’re the cheapest price around, we will match any price…. You get the point. So instead make your message powerful,  persuasive, and compelling. Maybe you have to make it fascinating. Whatever it is you do you have to know your message and be able to grab the attention of your audience.

  Who Are We Saying It To:

  Okay, so we have our message now we can move on to the next element which is “ who is our intended audience?”. Every business should know who they are trying to sell to. Coming up with a message that is geared to speak to everyone, and actually get the attention of everyone, is almost impossible.  Knowing who you're trying to reach is just as important as what you're saying to them. You can't go up to a skateboarder and try to sell him a surfboard just because they both have the word board in it… he or she is gonna think you're an idiot. Another example, if your selling blow torches, who do you think your target audience is going to be ?.... if you said guys you are correct, now I know “but it's 2024 girls could wanna buy a blow torch” your right and if she wants to buy one, we will sell one to her too. But like I said earlier you're not trying to reach everyone, you're trying to narrow down who would most likely be interested in what we are selling.


How Are We Going To Reach Them:

  Alright, so we know what we're  going to say, and who we are going to say it to, now we need our final element, “ How are we going to reach them “. Now used to this was extremely difficult, you had to buy mailing lists, do a direct mailing campaign…. It was a nightmare. Now we have social media which makes this extremely easy as long as you do the first 2 steps correctly. You can use social media on a local scale, see their interests and if you use retargeting and audience segmentation it's even more effective. It’s up to you to be creative and get the most potential out of social media but its by far the easiest way to reach your audience because everyone is on it.

Putting It All Together:

  So now you have the keys to the marketing world, and the great thing about marketing is it doesn't matter where you are, what language, or what product, you should be able to get conversions on your marketing. If you wanted to reach Paul the alien from the planet Pluto ( yes it's still a planet), and sell it a moon rock you should be able to do so. Just remember “What’s our message: Moon rocks are the key to better teeth, who are we saying it to: Paul the alien from Pluto with bad teeth, and how are we going to reach them: Social media ( yes they have it on Pluto) ”. It’s that simple. If you think that all of this is still too hard, don't worry contact us and we can help.

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